"Shishi Hunting Bumper" designed and named by APIO founder "Shigeru Onoe" is now available for Jimny Sierra JB74.
The main body is made of stainless steel with a semi-gloss black powder coating for luxurious specifications.
By using 1.5mm thick stainless steel for the main pipe and upper pipe, it is considerably lighter than it looks.
Main pipe part: 60.5mmΦ T = 1.5mm (stainless steel)
Upper pipe part: 50.0mmΦ T = 1.5mm (stainless steel)
Skid box part: T = 3.0mm (stainless steel)
The front apron and aluminium skid plate that are installed on the vehicle in the image at the same time are sold separately.
For mounting, it is necessary to expand the hole of about 8 mm at the tip of the frame to 10 mm with a drill.
It is necessary to cut the fender liner (made of resin).